The Numurkah Stormwater Management Strategy aims to support sustainable residential development in the growth area of Numurkah North.

Its key elements include efficient flow conveyance, innovative designs for water treatment, and comprehensive flood management measures.

The proposed plan integrates seamlessly with existing infrastructure, ensuring cohesive urban development while preserving local features like green spaces and the historic Lake Numurkah.

Community are invited to provide feedback to refine and enhance the draft strategy, ensuring it meets local needs and environmental standards.

Review of the draft strategy was available until Friday 30 August.

Opportunity to share feedback is now closed.

Numurkah Storm Water Management Strategy Draft Document

Provide your feedback on the drafted Numurkah Stormwater Management Strategy

Opportunity to provide feedback has now closed. Thank you to all those who shared their comments. Do you have any feedback on the proposed strategy? Post it on our Forum Wall.

The Numurkah Stormwater Management Strategy was prepared by Moira Shire Council, in collaboration with Spiire, for a growth area north of Wattle Drive in Numurkah, intended for future residential development.

The strategy includes urban design concepts, catchment plans, flow estimation, hydraulic calculations, water quality modeling, and a drainage strategy.

  • The growth area is about 43.3 hectares with minimal slope, making overland flow management challenging.
  • Lake Numurkah, located to the south, acts as a drainage basin and faces seasonal drying.
  • The site is prone to flooding from Broken Creek during high rainfall events, necessitating flood mitigation measures such as a proposed flood levee.
  • There is an existing irrigation channel (No. 6/6) from Goulburn Murray Water, which will eventually be piped to manage flood risks effectively.

Various drainage strategy options were considered, with a preference for a pumped retarding basin and raingarden discharging through Wattle Drive.

The proposed development plan integrates with existing and planned infrastructure to ensure coherent urban development.

The growth area will be developed in four parcels, with planning approval already obtained for Permit 1.

Key objectives include road connectivity, green open spaces, central water-sensitive urban design assets, and maintaining existing site features like a local café.

  • The strategy addresses flow conveyance, water treatment, and flood management.
  • Flow conveyance involves designing infrastructure to manage and direct storm water efficiently.
  • Water treatment will use water-sensitive urban design principles to maintain water quality.
  • Flood management includes measures like retarding basins and appropriate grading to handle potential flood events.

Key Dates

Tuesday 6 August 2024

Drop-in Session 1

Numurkah Community Learning Centre
9.30am - 4.30pm

Tuesday 13 August 2024

Drop-in Session 2

Numurkah Community Learning Centre
9.30am - 4.30pm

Tuesday 20 August 2024

Drop-in Session 3

Numurkah Community Learning Centre
9.30am - 4.30pm

Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:

Name Moira Shire Council Engineering Department
Phone (03) 5871 9222