Community Sport Fair Access Policy

On Wednesday 24 July, Moira Shire Council adopted the Fair Access Policy at the July Scheduled Council Meeting.

You can read the full policy below which aims to build capacity and capabilities of Council to improve the access to, and use of, community sports infrastructure for women and girls.

Project Background

From 1 July 2024, all Victorian councils will need to have community sport gender equitable access and use policies in place to be considered eligible to receive sport and recreation infrastructure funding. These policies will ensure that women and girls can fully participate in and enjoy the benefits of community sport, with fair opportunity and access to their local facilities. You can read more about the research behind this at Change Our Game

(External link)

At the Council meeting held on Wednesday 22 May 2024, the draft documents were endorsed for public exhibition. The survey below provides an opportunity for our community to share their ideas and provide input into the draft policy.

To chat to a Council Officer with any questions or input you have, contact the Team Leader - Recreational Development.

Meetings with club committees, can be arranged by contacting the Recreation team at

Why are we doing this?

Do you have any feedback on the draft Fair Access Policy or Action Plan?

Please read the draft Fair Access Policy and Action Plan documents, and provide your feedback. Submissions close Sunday 23 June 2024.

Our Draft Action Plan

We have developed our Draft Action Plan using the following principles, outlined in the Fair Access Roadmap. This Roadmap was shaped by the Office for Women in Sport and Recreation, Sport and Recreation Victoria and the Victorian Health Promotion Foundation (VicHealth).
  • Principle 1:

    Community sports infrastructure and environments are genuinely welcoming, safe, and inclusive.

  • Principle 2:

    Women and girls can fully participate in all aspects of community sport and active recreation, including as a player, coach, administrator, official, volunteer and spectator.

  • Principle 3:

    Women and girls will have equitable access to, and use of infrastructure that:

    • Is of the highest quality and convenience
    • At the best and most popular competitions, training times and locations
    • To support existing and new participation opportunities, and a variety of sports.
  • Principle 4:

    Encourage and support all user groups who access and use community sport infrastructure to understand, adopt and implement gender equitable access and use practices.

  • Principle 5:

    Prioritise access, use and support to all user groups who demonstrate an on-going commitment to gender equitable access and use of allocated community sport infrastructure.